Thursday, 23 January 2025 15:25

Celebration at Saint Titus in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On 17 November 2024, the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time B, the Christians of Saint Titus, one of the missions of the Province of Blessed Isidore Bakanja, were delighted to celebrate 40 years of religious life and 25 years of priesthood of their pastor, Father François Katasi.

Father François made his first vows at the Catholic mission in Lonzo, where the novitiate was located, on Sunday 29 September 1984 and was ordained a priest on 2 August 1998 at the parish of the Blessed Sacrament in Binza Delvaux. As he was on mission outside the country, he was unable to organise the ceremony to mark these two events on the planned date, and it was with the agreement of his parish priest, Father Serge Kimbeni, and the consent of the parish council that he was able to celebrate it on this Sunday.

For Father François, who presided over the Eucharistic celebration, the liturgical texts gave him the opportunity to reflect on his journey and the meaning of his consecration. In his homily, he returned to the fact that everything will pass, everything has an end and so does this world. This is an invitation to take account of the limits inherent in all human endeavour. For the prophet Daniel, it is the Son of Man who will have the last word, beyond all the suffering we can endure. While announcing the end of the reign of evil, Daniel exhorts us to stand firm. The Son of Man will come to give us the chance to start a new life. This is why we must remain faithful and attached to the Lord. In thanking all the confreres who had welcomed him and with whom he had worked, the priest gave thanks to God for the warm welcome given him by the community of St Titus had and the parish priest at the beginning of their mission. He also thanked the aggregates of the Blessed Sacrament for all they had done to support the organisation of the feast.

At the end of the Mass, Father Jean-Willy Mupila, chaplain of the Aggregation of the Blessed Sacrament, spoke. In his speech, he thanked God for the gift of priesthood granted to Father François and emphasised that this was a great event for the entire Eymardian family. He then took the opportunity to speak to the assembly about the Aggregation and invited the Christians of St Titus who wanted to join to meet the superior of the community.

Father Olivier Ndondo, Provincial Superior, then closed by thanking the entire parish community for agreeing to celebrate their pastor. He then welcomed the large number of aggregates who had come to take part in the celebration and above all for their sense of commitment. Finally, he declared the pastoral year of aggregation open. A wonderful atmosphere continued after the Mass with a meal organised in the Cevb.


Father Jean-Willy Mupila, sss

Last modified on Thursday, 23 January 2025 15:28