Wednesday, 04 September 2024 08:58

Feast of St. Peter Julian Eymard Lima-Peru

As provided for in the Liturgical Calendar, the 2nd August marks the Liturgical Feast of St. Peter Julian Eymard, founder of the Eymardian family. In several geographical contexts the feast is celebrated on this very date. But in others, it is usually postponed to the nearest Sunday. Such was the case in the Community of Lima-San Cristóbal Parish.

In preparation for this feast, a Triduum was held on the theme: "Called to the Cenacle" with emphasis on the three (3) dimensions of our Eucharistic Eymardian Spirituality, in harmony with the message of the last General Chapter, a congregational event held in November 2023 from a perspective of kairos and synodal. Since the message constitutes the congregational project for the next six (6) years, based on a pastoral, spiritual and missionary vision from the integral vision of the mystery of the Eucharist.

1. The Cenacle, a place of prayer par excellence

The Triduum began with a challenging, pro-found and above all experiential reflection on the Cenacle as a place of prayer par excellence, focusing on the pericope of Lk 22:7-12. It was an opportunity to glimpse the Cenacle as a proper environment of prayer in the action of Jesus with the disciples at the Last Supper; that is, the salvific event for belie-vers from a perspective revealing God. Prayer is understood as a communicative experience between Jesus in the company of the disciples and God.

The participants had a contemplative experience of the mystery of God, revealed in Jesus who becomes close to man, from the gift of Himself for humanity with the institution of the Eucharist. It was an opportune moment enriched by the Word, the listening and the openness of the people to feel and experience God in adoring the Eucharist.

2. The Cenacle: an experience of fraternity

Lima Peru 1The "Premise" was considered to be Jesus’ aim to propose a universal fraternity based on openness to God’s will in the perspective of Mt 12:46-50. The guiding thread of the meeting was a prayerful moment of the text, followed by a group-dynamic highlighting the need to construct a fraternity focused on communion, cooperation, mutual help and the sensitivity to live fraternal charity in everything.

This was followed by a presentation by Fr. Elibien on the importance of fraternity for the Eymardian Family, which is a guiding and non-negotiable principle.

It was an opportune formative moment for the participants to discern, reflect and see the challenges of this primordial dimension in building an ever more fraternal and Eucharistic parish community. - This was the commitment and the conclusion drawn from the sharing of the reflection of several participants.

3. The Cenacle: an authentic experience of communion with others

 On the last day, the emphasis was on service based on the "gesture of the washing of the feet" - a sign of humility through which Jesus initiated the mandate of service, a task that must be cultivated by the disciples throughout the ages. It was a moment of reflection and challenge for the participants to consider how this dimension of being a servant is fulfilled and responded to by openness, availability and dedication, as disciples of Jesus in virtue of baptism. This is a legacy of the Eucharist and an expression of the "Gift of Self" lived out by the Holy Founder.

4. Solemn celebration of the Holy Founder

After the Triduum, the solemn celebration of the Feast of the Founder took place on Sunday, the 4th August at 9:15 am, in Caja Agua, the centre of the parish. Jorge Izaguirre, CSC, bishop of the diocese of Chosica, concelebrated with 3 sss religious and many other priests, among whom were members of religious communities, as well as some parish priests from neighbouring parishes. In addition, also present were the 5 congregations living in our parish jurisdiction: the Piarists, the Sisters of the Gospel, the Sisters of St Joseph of Carandolet and the Sisters of the Holy Names.

Lima Peru 2

The bishop's homiletic exhortation, centred on the Liturgy of the Feast, make reference to the Gospel Jn 6:56-70, delved into the Eucharist from the Holy Founder's passion for the mystery of the Eucharist.

He touched on the importance that the Second Vatican Council gave to this source for the apostolic and missionary life of the Church. From there, the bishop left us with three questions: How are we celebrating the Eucharist today? What traces are our celebrations leaving in the life of the people for their witness of faith and living? How are our homiletic reflections given in the Eucharist?

It was a very dynamic, creative and experiential celebration, in which the people expressed their enthusiasm and satisfaction about experiencing this very special commemoration in the framework of the Feast of the Founder, St. Peter Julian Eymard.

Finally, the celebration was extended with a toast and a moment of sharing for the delegations of the nine (9) chapels of the parish jurisdiction. In addition, a lunch was held later in our house with a good number of people as a gesture of gratitude to those who were most dedicated to the preparation of the feast. May God enlighten us through the intercession of St. Peter Julian Eymard to respond to our Eucharistic mission in every historical period (RL 3)!

2 August 2024

Father Elibien Joseph, sss
Parish Priest, Lima Community

Last modified on Wednesday, 04 September 2024 09:03