Friday, 11 June 2021 09:39

Amplified General Council 2021

The Amplified General Council (AGC) is an expression of fundamental government in the life of our Congregation. It comprises the…
Mrs. Concetta Amarilli, our cook who was working for the Curia for 35 years, retired from her work on the…
“To be Bread Broken for the life of the world” is the basis of our Eucharistic spirituality starting from the…
Published on 03/10/2020, Pope Francis’ the Encyclical Letter "Fratelli Tutti" (All Brothers) is intended to be both an appeal and…
A religious of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, José Elissandro Santos de Santana, sss, was ordained a priest by…
Premise: The Eymard chapel suffered in the course of weeks a worrying vandalism until the day (in February 2019) when…
Introduction On the occasion of 150th anniversary of Saint Joseph proclaimed the Patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis issued…
I am Yerson Alexander Cabrera Ramirez, 26 years old. I come from the municipality of Victoria Valle of Cauca, with…
New Priests for the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe With much joy the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe,…
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 10:06

Communication of new General Archivist

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, By the decree of Fr. General Superior on January 25, 2021, father Joseph Le…
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